Thursday, March 13, 2003

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

So Marisa and I are half way through the Galapagos trip and it's turned more into a survival trip than anything else. Between the heat and the sun and the boat motion and the cold I started with and passed to Marisa we have spent a lot of time just trying to keep ourselves in one piece!

Despite that we are having a great time. We are both feeling pretty good today. We have seen some of the islands in the south east and now looped back to the main island, some passengers got off and we get new ones today for the 2nd half of the trip. So we have an hour on the main island to kill and are spending it at a computer (!)

The weather has been fantastic. Sunny, hot, about 30C is my guess, and the water temperature is about 24C. A typical day is getting up at 5:30, having the first trek to an island around 7 - 9, then we go somewhere else, have lunch, snorkel a bit later on, then in the evening we have another landing on an island to see more wildlife. They plan it like that so we're not out trekking under the midday sun. The amount of wildlife is incredible. You have to be careful not to step on iguanas and the sea lions (or seals, I forget) are all over the beaches. The Lonely Planet has a nice little checklist and so I've been keeping track. So far we have seen about 40 species out of the 100 or so listed. My favourite so far is the blue-footed booby, a type of bird. (they sell tshirts here with 'I love boobies' on the front). Unfortunately the albatross are not here right now, and I hope to see a hammerhead shark during the snorkeling. Many many pictures.

The food has also been amazing. The crew on our boat (16 passengers, 7 crew + guide) are quite good. The cook is quite funny and has taken a liking to Marisa and he was quite disappointed that Marisa was sick earlier and not finishing all of his wonderful cooking! But yesterday she was better and now the cook is happy again. Yesterday he even baked and iced a cake!

It was very odd to come back to civilization last night. As well, we finally have sea legs so now we are getting dizzy on land!

Anyways I will write more later on but I have to catch a boat :)

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