Saturday, December 04, 2004

Toronto, Canada

I finished putting my pictures up on You can check them out by clicking here.

They include pictures from Angkor Wat which I hadn't posted before.

My favourite

See the route on Atlas.


  1. Really nice pictures of your trip.

  2. Thanks for the feedback on the template... the blogspot thing is all new to me. Just got tired of picking up a pen, I am a much faster 'keyboardist' - is that a real word?
    Browsed through your pics of SE Asia, they look great. My family do missionary type work near Mae Sot. They work with displaced Burmese on the Thai side of the Border. if you wanted to have a look at their work. I, on the other hand, live in Vancouver, still searching for MY meaning and purpose. Maybe if I go to Mae Sot I'll find it?

