Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

I forgot to mention that while in Zimbabwe I bought some trillion dollar bills. The million and billion bills were fairly cheap; the trillion dollar bills started at $5 and the 100 trillion was over $50.

The two full days at Inyati went like this:

5:00am wake up knock at door
5:30am tea / coffee/ snacks
6:00am game drive
9:30am breakfast / brunch
4:00pm high tea
4:30pm game drive
7:30pm wash up
8:00pm dinner
10:00pm sleep

The game drives lasted over three hours each, which was much longer than we were used to. We found it a bit long to be sitting around, and also with the heat we were guzzling water without a washroom break. Woe is us.

The highlights included a cheetah resting on a termite hill, many leopards (the main reason we were here), elephants grazing within inches of us, a pack of wild dogs catching and eating a baby impala.

It was amazing how fast the dogs ate the impala. The dogs were laying about in the shade when a group of impalas accidentally walked up on them. We were parked by the dogs observing them, as wild dogs are a rare sighting. One dog noticed the impalas and they gave chase. Our driver followed them for about 200m where they caught the baby impala. Then they all surrounded and pulled bites, just 10' from the vehicle. In less than five minutes the impala was gone, bones and all.

The 2nd day was stinking hot, over 40C. Thank goodness the lodges were air conditioned.

The food was okay, matched nicely with mostly South African wines. (They have a walk-in cellar from the dining room. This was not the GAP Adventures safari I did when I was in my 20s).

We met a nice family from Singapore, as well as a number of other couples. Most of them were well-traveled.

Inyati doesn't overcrowd the safari vehicles, the most we had was six, plus the driver, and the tracker. So there was lots of space to spread out camera bags and water bottles and sunscreen etc.

It was a great safari experience at Inyati, we saw leopards, and plenty other animals as a bonus.

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