Thursday, May 16, 2019

Toronto, Canada

This next trip was planned in less than a week, while we were trying to get ready for the Central Asia trip. We had booked our tickets to Istanbul in late November 2018. Later I found out that my next contract wouldn't start until July, and figured to use the extra six weeks in May / June to catch up on some DIY home projects. But then the Sunday before we left for Istanbul, Heather got an email about our KLM frequent flyer miles expiring this year. So, we had the time, and a free flight to Europe... tiling the basement floor could wait. As we once discussed with Marissa, our friend and occasional travel companion, no one ever said on their death bed, I'm glad I fixed up the backyard fence (although, I do need to fix the backyard gate before we leave).

We've talked about going to the Baltic states for a while. This is first time in a few years that I've had time off over May / June which is our preferred time to visit the area. Belarus and Ukraine are geographically close, so the trip extended south.

The Azores were more of an accidental add-on. We were looking for ways to break up the flight home, and saw a flight through Ponta Delgada direct to Toronto. I wasn't familiar with the towns in the Azores, and had to look up Ponta Delgada. It quickly evolved from a stopover to an 11-day stay on three of the islands :)

I've had to correct myself a few times when referring to Ukraine. It's Ukraine, not 'the' Ukraine. (It's okay to refer to 'the Azores' because that describes a geographical area). There's a good article here on the subject.

We've bought a guide book only for the Azores. We've found we've become less and less reliant on guide books (we didn't have one for Azerbaijan, which was I think the first country we went guidebook-less). Heather still likes them for the historical background they provide, but as far as travel advice goes, the internet's much better and current.

We've had a week back in Toronto, during which we've done a lot of laundry. I fixed up a couple things on the blog that were bothering me -- the pics now display a caption, and are sorted in reverse chronological order.

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